Friday, January 15, 2010

Stress buildup... Time to focus on the positive!

So since well before the wedding. I have been dealing with tons of stress from outside sources (some wedding, some not). There has been tons going on, and having to deal with my Nana's rapid mental downturn (due to advancing Alzheimer's) on top of all the stress has made me a grumpy Nacho Blogger.

Not only that, but added stress over the weekend sent me into a panic attack. Not healthy. So I decided something....

I needed to get the stress off my chest. So I talked to some friends. A strong group of ladies who make me stronger for just knowing them. They helped me focus on the positives, and now when I am stressed out, I focus on those positives.

There are the recent positives in our lives that I am reminded of:

1) We are married! On a beautiful day, I married my best friend, and the best part of my day is getting home and seeing the Mr., sharing parts of our day over dinner, doing chores together or just relaxing on the couch or playing video games. Life is good. Plus, we began our marriage exploring Italy. Soooo much fun!

2) We reunited family~ Our wedding reunited two sides of Mr.'s family and we spent New Years day getting to know our extended family, many of whom hadn't seen my hubby in well over a decade.

We have so many wonderful cousins and second cousins! We are really thankful for the reconnection.

3) Nine days into the New Year, Mr's Cousin finally popped and we welcomed Camden Ryan to the world. We met the new little one on Sunday and he was quite the cutie. Congrats to the new family!

4) We will be welcoming a new niece or nephew in June. Sis in law is due with number 2! We are over the moon and can't wait to meet the little one, which I still think is a boy.

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