Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What It Means to Be a Mom...

With Mother's Day approaching, I keep seeing these articles on what it means to be a Mother.  Let's face it.... we are awesome. We can handle anything. I mean we handled childbirth, right?

We know all we ever need to about cars, superheroes, monsters and children's programing. We don't mind reading that book for the 200th time, and still don't mind when we don't make it all the way through. We listen to a song over and over because they were polite and used "please" and "thank you".

As a working mother, I am able to shift from my work hat to my mom hat without delay. The best part of my day? The first moments I see him when I pick him up. He gets excited and runs over to give me a hug and 3 kisses (one on each cheek and one on the nose).  Then I get to share a ride home with him, where he tells me about his day or we sing... usually both. I miss him terribly during the day, but I think that is what makes our time at night so valuable.

I know his every quirk, can speak his language, can make him laugh with just a face, make his boo boo better with a kiss, and be his hero when he needs it.

It is awesome.

He fills my heart more than I ever thought possible. I am his mom and his buddy, and he is my little man.

I am his chauffeur, chef, playmate, chief cuddler, Mama Cat, and lullaby singer.

He is my sidekick, audience, baby cat and hugglemonster.

But what does this do with being a mom?


Because that is what my little boy means to me.

I mean.... How can you deny this face?

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