Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Labor Part 2: We are the 5%...

So we went in for the first part of the induction process... We went armed with Netflix on our phones and yahtzee. We showed up, got checked in and they put me on the monitor. Everything looked excelent so they started the gel treatment.

The doctor said "There is no way you will go into full labor or have your labor progress from this. There is a 5% chance of labor starting or progressing from this. There will be some cramping, but it will get better." Then they monitored us and they sent us home.

After a nice lunch with my mom, the cramping began to really get intense.... Then it never ended....

So Mr. called the Dr.

Dr: Do the pains come in waves or is it constant?

Mr.: They come in waves.

Dr.: How often do you think the waves happen?

Mr. : I don't know... every 2-3 minutes or so.

Dr.: I think you need to bring your wife to the hospital...

Mr.: What do you think is wrong?

Dr.: I think your wife is in labor.

That's right folks... I am the five percent that went into full labor from the gel treatment.

We got in and settled down. It was going to be a long night. But at least I had a late night Sox/Yankees game to keep me company while the epidural kicked in!

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