My Journey from Newlywed to pregnant to Mommy! My Life as a Mommy to an adorable little Monkey!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
PAX East: Day 2- Not so convention-y but full of friends!
We stayed home and relaxed, watched TV, slept in... It was glorious!
Although we both kind of wanted to be at the convention center too....
The end to our day was dinner with good friends of ours from New York, their kids, and another friend of ours from Rhode Island. (One thing I can say about gaming, you are never short on friends.) We met at the Longhorn Steakhouse and spent 2 + hours talking about life, knitting, games, and PAX. Our friends from NY could only get Sunday tickets. But get this... their kids are going... they want to go, and the oldest would like to roll dice soon.... in an Avatar: The Last Airbender game. (Their daughter introduced me to Plants vs Zombies... I thanked her for that addiction. ) We met early so the kids could eat at a reasonable time and our friend from RI met us about an hour later. He was at PAX today, and said it was a mob scene to get into anything. But tomorrow we try again.
It was so much fun to hang out and just get a chance to catch up, as these are people we talk to all the time, but only see once a year or so... It really is a shame. I always wish that everyone lived closer. (What an amazing game group we would have then!)
Hopefully, we will run into our friends from NY while running around the con tomorrow. I have also mentioned to our friend from RI that we needed to get together for a Dragon Age game or something soon. Cause the last time we saw him (Get this!) was right after we met each other. We weren't even dating! Not even close!
So all in all a day full of win. The whole weekend has been awesome. Tomorrow is the end, and I can't help but be sad.
However, PAX will be in Boston in 2011, 2012 and 2013, and we have already decided that not only will we go... we will have 3 day badges!
PAX East: Day 1- Welcome to Boston
It took about 30 minutes to get in... which left 30 minutes to the Keynote with Wil Wheaton. I began my sprint towards the main theater. I got to the door just as they announced that they were full. I was walking away crushed, when I heard a familiar voice behind me. It was a buddy of ours, who was being an enforcer, running an errand. I told him my predicament, and he told me to sit right where I was and wait for him to come back. He was back less than 5 minutes later and took me back down to the main theater where we went through a side door. (I have to admit it was pretty cool feeling entering the VIP area!) He found me a seat and I got to enjoy Wil Wheaton in all his glory.
First off... the guy is hysterical. His comedic timing is so spot on. He used the term "wicked" and spoke about a variety of topics including:
- How awesome gamers are.
- How video games are becoming a mainstream form of entertainment.
- How awesome the convention is.
- How gaming leads to lifelong friendships.
- How the geek stereotypes are going the way of the dodo. Everyone in a small way is a geek.
- How Dragon Age is a emotional video game, where the player gets so invested.
- He also talked about Star Trek and Stand By Me.
It ended to a standing ovation.
After I searched for my friend to thank him, but couldn't find him. Then I left the Main Theater and I headed to the line to meet Wil Wheaton. While there I spoke with a gamer girl blogger, and we chatted about being a girl gamer in the current gaming environment. She was pretty awesome and I will start following her here soon. After about a half an hour, he came out. He was awesome. Not only did I mention he and Star Trek: The Next Generation were my gateway drug to the awesomeness that is Star Trek, I also got to mention that we are fans of his Dragon articles. I also got an autograph and this:
Speaking of my hubby, he was stuck at work, so I started to check out the con while I waited for him to meet me. I saw the classic arcade games, classic consoles, and a little bit of the expo hall.
I ran into someone from G4 and got to say how much fun I was having! I got a photo.
Then I decided it was time to shop. I went and picked up some fun t-shirts and was such a line, someone started hitting around a beach ball. Then the Hubby arrived and we got dinner... and had to sit on the floor to eat it, but when we were done, we went back to try and get some Expo hall time in.
We saw 3D gaming, and some demo's of new games. We couldn't see much, but finished at the Intel booth where I won a "Life's a Glitch" T-Shirt. It was really cool and compact.
Then we attempted into the Bringing up Geeks panel, but it was full, so we went and stood in line for the Girls in Gaming Panel. There we ran into another friend who sat with us for the session.
After that we checked out the Rockband Party, and sang along because the line was way too long to get up on the stage and sing.
By that point it was late, and we were tired. So we hopped on the T and went home. Tomorrow will be our second and final day at PAX.
Will we get to try the 3D gaming?
Will I get to try Civ 5 and Bioshock 2?
How is Red Dead Revolver?
Stay tuned!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Convention tricks and tips.... Nacho style!
1) Have fun. This one is a given.
2) Shower.... no one likes a funky smelling gamer. Seriously. And if you are staying over in a hotel: the hotels supply soap. USE IT! 3 days of no showering is nasty.
3) Remember Hygiene matters~ This could have been put in the shower conversation but I think it deserves its own point. Wash your hands after going to the bathroom. Wear deodorant and brush your hair. (Yes... I did encounter all this at conventions)
4) If a game is going on, please observe quietly. If you are playing or in the general area... Please turn off your cell phones.
5) Conventions are a great way of meeting people. Be friendly and you may finish the weekend with many new friends.
6) Don't try to see everything. I know. Once you get there and see everything all set up, you become awestruck and want to see everything. Don't try... you will be rushing around trying to see everything and not enjoy yourself.
Follow these and you will have a blast.
How to prepare for conventions/gameday.... Nacho style
But how does one prepare for a convention or a game day?
That is what todays post is all about! How best to prepare for a weekend of non stop fun and frolic.
1) Get lots of rest. If this means skipping or making your stint at a precon party short, do so. Trust me the next few days will be filled with tons of fun to make up for the 2 hours early you left that party and they played Basic or Apples to Apples.
2) Drink lots of water/liquid. You are going to do TONS of walking. (I am going to wear my pedometer to measure how far I have walked. I am very curious) You don't want to spend part of your time dehydrated.
3) Eat Healthy! For the week before, eat as healthy as you can. You are going to be eating so badly during the convention, you want to try and be good before and after.
4) Think about what you need to bring versus what you want to bring. You may want to bring all your Munchkin games with you, but the second you step on the T and have to stand, the extra weight makes you regret it. Remember this rule- You bring it, you are stuck carrying it all day. (Unless you are staying where the con is. Then you carry it until you find a moment to dump it back in your room)
5) Pack the night before. Rushing the morning of may make you forget important things.... like your badge. You do not want this to happen, because there is no way, no way at all you are getting in.
6) Try and see what is going to be there ahead of time so everything you want to see is planned. But also check out the exhibitors you want to see just so you don't miss them.
7) Have fun!~ It is a game convention after all. And games are supposed to be fun!
I will be blogging from PAX East. Stay tuned this weekend for updates!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Rain Rain Go Away....
At least we are at work and not at home. But to get to work... well soon I will need a paddle.
But after today it will be sunny and chilly but not go under 40 through the weekend.
Speaking of weekend.... PAX East is this weekend. This convention covers both video gaming and RPG's so we are really excited to see some of the new and awesome stuff being presented.
For Example, there is going to be a company there that is creating a plug in so that you can play your actual guitar while playing Guitar Hero, Rockband, etc. I don't play a guitar, but that is pretty freaking sweet.
Also.... their guest of honor....the one that I am taking a half day to go hear his keynote address..... Wil Wheaton, self proclaimed geek and one of my first crushes when he played Wesley Crusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Sure he was one of the kids in Stand By Me.... But as a fan of The Next Generation, I am completely geeking out! I am totally excited about this.
Also, friends are going to be in town for this, and I am super excited to see them!
This weekend is going to rock! And I will be blogging the whole experience.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Knitting for a good cause!
They have a program called "Knitting for Veterans" and on Wednesday all the knitters and crocheters of Town Hall will come together and knit or crochet a square for lap blankets for wounded veterans of the Iraq War. This cause is also looking for knitted hats, scarves, mittens, sweaters, and anything else that can keep these heroes warm.
If you knit or crochet and would like to donate something to this totally worthy cause, please contact me and I can arrange to pick it up and drop it off with my offerings.
Don't worry if you are a beginner. Anything that can help will be welcomed with open arms.
Monday... Monday...
But I am here, and it is chilly in our office. I actually think it is warmer outside, but I am not freezing, so no complaints.
Although I am dreaming of that 75 degree day that was Saturday. That was awesome.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
We went to IKEA today!!!
We also picked up a kids cookbook of sweedish recipes for $3.00 and new media boxes for our DVD's.
When we finally buy a house... IKEA may be a dangerous place for us.
A losing battle...
I did.... once.
Now I know.
My 10 year reunion is this year, and it is really bothering me for some reason that people stayed the same.
Specifically the ones who thought it was all about them in High School... now believe it is all about them after college .
I grew up in a small town about an hour from Boston. Many still live there and have families, others live around there. A small handful live in the Boston area. Guess where the reunion is going to be held?
If you guessed Boston, you get a Scooby snack!
Now I have voiced my well thought out opinion on the whole situation. The whole thing started out fine. Have it in our hometown, keep costs down... etc.
But then people came in who were the representatives for the class and went "I think people would rather have it in Boston. It will be cheaper."
Seriously? I want to live in your Boston. A Boston where meals for 2 at a decent pub (where they are claiming we are going to have it) doesn't run you $70-80....Where parking is not sparse or expensive....Where there is always street parking... Where public transportation runs 24/7 and it is not a scary place to drive for people still living in Norton. That sounds like a Boston that I (and many other people) would enjoy.
We are going to be drinking at a pub, a fancyish pub from the sound of it. The bill is going to be huge. And if they chose a pub that serves a lot of seafood and serves appetizers and stuff with seafood, then I am just going to be able to drink. Not to mention the other things I can't eat. I don't ask that I make the decision of where we go, I just ask that they pick one with a wide ranging menu. But the likelihood of that happening, is slim to none.
And here is the best part.... You ready? Everyone has been planning on Thanksgiving weekend... and there is talk of doing it in the summer. Namely June.
June... you know, the month that is about 3 months away? The month that is pretty full on my calendar already.... So now if people are coming from out of state, they will be scrambling for tickets, hotel, etc. People with vacations will miss out, and I don't think anyone that is being listened to really cares.
Sigh.... seriously not trying to be catty or anything, but I am up at 8:19 on a Saturday wondering if a reunion is actually worth going to. I looked at the Facebook group yesterday, and I am glad I did, because this topic had come up and there was no notification. I had a restless sleeping night, and this was part of the cause.
I feel bad, because when the planning started, as a Facebook group, the person planning it took the time to listen to everyone. And now I feel like if it is not about having the reunion in Boston, people are being ignored. She was pushed out and lost her say, which ticks me off to a whole new level.
I have reconnected with some classmates on Facebook and would love to see them, but with the location they are saying they won't attend. A alternative reunion taking place in November in my hometown for all those who couldn't attend the Boston one would be looked at as just a ploy to make this reunion the "negative reunion". The cluster of confusion and "My way or the Highway" is a tad bit frustrating.
I have grown up a ton since high school. I have learned a lot about life and I love where I am in it. I just wish that my peers had grown up some too. Mr.'s reunion made me realize that something fun near our hometown would be good for us. I became excited about mine. But that balloon has since deflated.
People I mention it to are surprised that we were having it in Boston. They thought, as did I, that it was supposed to take place in or around where you graduated from... Apparently not.
But I said my piece there and was (I think) ignored. So now I say it here. People will read it... They don't have to respond, but they will read it. And here... I feel heard.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Just wondering
I was there this afternoon after getting a early release from work, and it was a madhouse. But I got my shopping done, and we now have food for the next two weeks.
The good news: I bought flowers. Roses and Gerber daises to be exact. We finally have flowers in our gorgeous vases.... Including the gorgeous one we got in Moreno, Italy! I can't wait to show it off!
Pics of the flowers should be posted sometime this weekend.
Tackling my own Sauce....
So seeing as Saturday we are home (not all day, have to run to IKEA and Target) and all, I thought I would be adventurous and try to do something new. I am going to try and make pasta sauce. Hey, it looks easy when Giada does it!
I know... I know... Married to an Italian man and don't know how to make the sauce... Shame on me. But truth be told, I never really made anything substantial when I was single, and we were always so busy during the dating/engagement years. So we always had jarred sauce.
Having the jarred sauce opened our horizon to new types of sauce that we can enjoy. Especially vodka, white wine, butter and red pepper sauce. But now it is time to spread my wings.
Sure, at some point I am going to learn my mother in law's recipe which is incredible, but for now, I am going to use one of my many cookbooks.
So dinner Saturday night will be:
Toasted homemade garlic bread with tomato, mozzarella, and prosciutto
Linguine with the homemade sauce and meatballs
And something yummy for desert
I am looking forward to being in the kitchen. We have a ton of cleaning to do in there, so I am going to clean while I cook. I am actually hoping to do some appliance shifting too, as I would really like to have my food processor readily available for stuff like making pico di guio.
Top Ten Things I love about Spring!
So in keeping with my favorite late night segment, here are the top 10 things I love about spring!
10) The sun is out when I leave work! I can enjoy the sun for about an hour, and I can see the potholes that have yet to be filled in along my route home. (And there are a lot of them!!)
9) The windows at work can be opened revealing fresh air!
8) The sound of kids playing outside and walks to Coolidge Corner at lunch time. (They have a Paper Source AND a comic store. Heaven I tell you Heaven!)
7) Everyone is in a better mood.... and it shows. People stop to let you turn out of the driveway. Co-workers come by to say hi. It is a mood changing moment when the sun first shows itself in spring.
6) Time to start thinking of Convention/Gameday season! This would include our road trip to NC, which takes us through gorgeous Virginia country!
5) We are closer to summer.... and time on the Cape!
4)It is time to pull out the colorful outfits! Blacks and greys are OK for winters chill, but for the warmth of spring... time for colors!
3) On that same fashion note- SKIRTS! It is always too cold to wear them in the winter.... but the warmer weather changes that! I almost wore one today, but it is casual Friday!
2) Did I mention Gameday/Convention season?
And the number one thing I love about spring:
1) We can walk on the beach again!!!!!! And the Clam Shack has opened its doors once again!
This Top Ten list has been brought to you by the letter S and the number 19.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Spring has sprung!!!
This is so exciting!
I hope that if you are in the area, you can get out and enjoy the beauty of the day! I am running to Serenade to pick up something sweet for my hubby, who took such good care of me while I was sick! I am looking forward to my walk!
Have fun!!!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Sláinte chuig na fir, agus go mairfidh na mná go deo!
Ireland forever! Best of luck to you! May you live to be 100!
And the title of the entry is a cheers to the day: Health to the men and may the women live forever!
And for the Monty Python fan out there:
Tá m'árthach foluaineach lán d'eascainn - (My Hovercraft is full of eels!)
I am looking forward to my Irish cream and my boiled dinner tonight!
Have a wonderful day everyone!!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sick of being Sick...
Yep, I am home from work today, sick with the worst stomach bug I have had in a long time. And with the IBD, whenever something involves the stomach area, it feels like things are so much more painful.
I am stranded on the couch today with no desire to move. And I think that is just what I am going to do.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Gameday Game 1: Dragon Age
Dragon Age ~ In War, Victory. In Peace, Vigilance. In Death, Sacrifice.
King Alistair has stopped getting the nightmares, as has his Queen. They, the Grey Wardens who brought the land together to defeat the Darkspawn 30 years ago, have departed to Orzimar, where they will make their last stand and die valiantly protecting everything they hold so dear, which you know is the way all Grey Wardens who survive battles die.
About two weeks ago, a messenger appeared from Orzamar, it was from Alistair. He sent word that the Darkspawn have suddenly grown stronger and are harder to defeat. All the Grey Wardens there are fighting as hard as they can, but they are afraid that the Orzimar hold will fall, beginning another Blight.
But it gets worse.
Much worse.
You only know one thing....
That 30 year peace...
That time is over.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
British Invasion?
I mentioned before that Muse was one of the BEST concerts I have ever seen.
Wow. This time blew the first concert out of the water.
The openers, the Silversun Pickups were good. It actually made me want to hear the latest album. Their radio single sounds like the worst thing on the album. They are a good band and remind me of Smashing Pumpkins.
Then after about 15 minutes of waiting..... BOOM!!!! The show began and we were up and dancing, taking a break to sit for the slower songs (which were few and far between) and they rocked the garden for a solid two hours.... Playing EVERYTHING from their new album and all their hits. Their 4 song finale ended with my personal favorite song, Knights of Cydonia.
Also the lead singer rocked robin's egg blue pants... You have to be secure in your masculinity to rock pants that color.
Somehow they were better than the first time. It was incredible and the energy they brought was only matched by the thousands of people in the crowd.
Amazing. I wish they were playing Boston again... Soon.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Now, I have been to DC and I love it. Hell, I almost moved there. But Mr. Nacho has never been. I keep thinking back to my first visit. It was so awe inspiring. The monuments were breathtaking, and spending 30 minutes in quiet contemplation at Arlington Cemetery was time well spent. I'll have to find some old pictures, but just thinking about it makes me excited for the less than a day and a half that we will be there, with the promise of a longer span of time to come. (We are planning to go and game and visit friends there in October with a few days more to sight see)
Mr. Nacho wants to see the Lincoln Memorial and the Smithsonian. We are going to do 2 of the Smithsonian museums (we hope... it is a try it and see). I told him that the two we have to do this time are Air and Space and American History. I am looking forward to seeing these museums again too, mainly because the cool stuff that they contain.
So our game plan is we leave on a Thursday night after work and drive until we canst drive no more, stay in a hotel, get up and drive to NC. (We should reach sometime Friday afternoon!) Check in to our hotel, grab grub and meet up with friends! Party Friday night, gaming and party Saturday, gaming and goodbye dinner Sunday. We will linger for Monday breakfast and then get on the road to DC. Reach DC in the afternoon, go to wherever we are staying, freshen up, and then get out and see more friends and explore DC. More DC Sightseeing on Tuesday and leaving on Wednesday, getting home in about 8 hours give or take.
Now I just have to get my game together. I am running Dragon Age the RPG, which seems like a boat ton of fun! I still have to come up with a game idea, but I am playing the computer game now for inspiration and it is starting to come to me.
I am so very excited. We have been looking forward to this trip since we left last year!