Saturday, March 27, 2010

PAX East: Day 2- Not so convention-y but full of friends!

PAX East was so busy that we couldn't get the three day passes or Saturday passes. It was sold out before we could order. So we got to do something we don't normally get to do when we are at conventions....

We stayed home and relaxed, watched TV, slept in... It was glorious!

Although we both kind of wanted to be at the convention center too....

The end to our day was dinner with good friends of ours from New York, their kids, and another friend of ours from Rhode Island. (One thing I can say about gaming, you are never short on friends.) We met at the Longhorn Steakhouse and spent 2 + hours talking about life, knitting, games, and PAX. Our friends from NY could only get Sunday tickets. But get this... their kids are going... they want to go, and the oldest would like to roll dice soon.... in an Avatar: The Last Airbender game. (Their daughter introduced me to Plants vs Zombies... I thanked her for that addiction. ) We met early so the kids could eat at a reasonable time and our friend from RI met us about an hour later. He was at PAX today, and said it was a mob scene to get into anything. But tomorrow we try again.

It was so much fun to hang out and just get a chance to catch up, as these are people we talk to all the time, but only see once a year or so... It really is a shame. I always wish that everyone lived closer. (What an amazing game group we would have then!)

Hopefully, we will run into our friends from NY while running around the con tomorrow. I have also mentioned to our friend from RI that we needed to get together for a Dragon Age game or something soon. Cause the last time we saw him (Get this!) was right after we met each other. We weren't even dating! Not even close!

So all in all a day full of win. The whole weekend has been awesome. Tomorrow is the end, and I can't help but be sad.

However, PAX will be in Boston in 2011, 2012 and 2013, and we have already decided that not only will we go... we will have 3 day badges!

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