Thursday, March 25, 2010

How to prepare for conventions/gameday.... Nacho style

Tomorrow is the start of PAX East and here in Boston, the Gamer community is buzzing about the weekend filled with events.

But how does one prepare for a convention or a game day?

That is what todays post is all about! How best to prepare for a weekend of non stop fun and frolic.

1) Get lots of rest. If this means skipping or making your stint at a precon party short, do so. Trust me the next few days will be filled with tons of fun to make up for the 2 hours early you left that party and they played Basic or Apples to Apples.

2) Drink lots of water/liquid. You are going to do TONS of walking. (I am going to wear my pedometer to measure how far I have walked. I am very curious) You don't want to spend part of your time dehydrated.

3) Eat Healthy! For the week before, eat as healthy as you can. You are going to be eating so badly during the convention, you want to try and be good before and after.

4) Think about what you need to bring versus what you want to bring. You may want to bring all your Munchkin games with you, but the second you step on the T and have to stand, the extra weight makes you regret it. Remember this rule- You bring it, you are stuck carrying it all day. (Unless you are staying where the con is. Then you carry it until you find a moment to dump it back in your room)

5) Pack the night before. Rushing the morning of may make you forget important things.... like your badge. You do not want this to happen, because there is no way, no way at all you are getting in.

6) Try and see what is going to be there ahead of time so everything you want to see is planned. But also check out the exhibitors you want to see just so you don't miss them.

7) Have fun!~ It is a game convention after all. And games are supposed to be fun!

I will be blogging from PAX East. Stay tuned this weekend for updates!

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