Friday, November 2, 2012

Have you ever noticed....

Have you ever noticed that when you have a kid, hardly anything annoys you about other people's kids?

I mean sure the rude ones grate under your skin.... kinda like nails on a chalkboard.

But I saw a little girl running from a car to the playground today and the mother was frantically running after her to keep up. I couldn't help but giggle at the scene. It was just sweet to me. Before kids, Mr. and I would see a kid do that and say "why can't they keep their kids under control?" Now it is funny and adorable when the child screams "Let's play tag mommy!" and takes off. The mother to her credit, was very fast to catch up and took it all in stride.

Also, have you noticed that things regarding children on TV hits you like a cement bag to the gut?

Seriously, any time news stories or shows about children in danger happens the tears well up and the blubbering starts or the unnerving feeling sinks in. And the sentimental commercials.... forget it. Hallmark ads are the worst. And the ASPCA ads with Sarah McLaughlin - those ads I had to shut off when I was pregnant because I would really be a mess once they were over.

Also, have you noticed that after a tantrum a toddler can snuggle up on your lap and all is forgiven?

That one shocked me too.


  1. They are Bill... Especially when they are not trying to ride the cat like a horse. (And sometimes when they are..)
