Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A Bit o' Physical Comedy for You!

                          Ever slip on a banana peel and fall on your face? That is pretty much what happened a couple of weekends ago when I slipped on a leaf on a friends porch and fell and my legs came down after. It hurt a lot, but I think what made matters worse is that I tried to walk it off for two days. Then it looked like this.....

The pain was excruciating. So I went to the ER. Five hours later I was placed in an air cast and sent home on crutches with a severe sprain. And my leg looked like this....

I spent the following day sleeping and catching up on TV with my foot up.  The next day I returned to work and have been on a somewhat normal schedule since.

                     Except Mr. has been really awesome and has been picking up a lot of the slack because I have had to elevate my foot. He has been on night duty for a week and he has been all around awesome. Good lord I am lucky.

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