Then after lunch and a little shopping, we did our elective ultrasound. He showed himself and even performed for us! (Including giving us the finger!) I fell even more in love with my little Monkey!
The infamous finger shot!

I think he heard my crack about him having more hair than his daddy!

Bein' all cute!

There is about 17 weeks until we meet you! I can't wait!

It was totally neat to see what the 4D scan can see. The baby has a head of hair, my nose, his daddy's cheeks and his great-Grampy's feet! (Which skipped me, but his Uncle Mikey totally has my Grampy's feet!) It also looks like he laughs like mommy.
We also have a DVD of his performance. It is just mindblowing to watch him move around and kick and bend. It was a memory I will have of him for the rest of my life. And it was neat to share it with my mom, who had never been to an ultrasound like that before!
I can't wait to see that face up close and in person, but for now I know every day and every kick will bring me closer to meeting him.
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