So over the weekend we attended BisbeeCon and as has been the trend this year... I have discovered a new to me game that I HAD to post about here.
The game was called Umlaut: Game of Metal. If you like heavy metal music and kicking ass... this very well could be the game for you. It was for me.
You form a band, and give them ranks in stage mechanics, power, showman (or woman) ship. Then set off to earn fans, cash and hope. But lose a "roll" (the turning of the cards) and you earn ego, and that is both bad and good, as it is the basis to earn cash.
Along the way you challenge other bands to a gig, break bands up, earn cash, practice and do promotional stunts (like streak through a mall).
The mechanics are simple. There are no dice or a GM, which works out better than I thought they would. Success or failure are determined by the flip of the cards. You can be pulling up to an unlimited amount of cards, depending on what you are trying to do. The horns to indicate that you are ready to battle is a great touch!
In the end there is a Battle of the Bands (of course, how could there not be) to see who comes out on top. Then based off of fan base and ego, you determine whether or not the band makes it long term or whether they die out!
It is not hard to put together a great soundtrack for a game like this. Our GM was kind enough to allow me to keep the music, which I was headbanging while making sauce on Sunday night.
In our game, I came out on top with my band HellKatt. It was a great time, and I totally loved it.
And will be purchasing it to run at future game days...
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