Friday, July 16, 2010

Vote for ME!

So I know that this adds a whole slew of stuff to my plate for the next year, but it is something I had never thought I had the guts to do... Run for a spot on a judging panel. I didn't realize what just running would do for my self esteem. It all started with encouragement from a good friend. (Here's lookin' at you Wabbit)

The ENnies is essentially the Game (RPG) industry's Oscars, with a little bit o' People's Choice thrown in for good measure. The products are submitted to a team of Judges who read, review, discuss and then make a list of the best submitted in categories, and that becomes the Nominees. Then the polls open to the fans and they vote for a favorite products of the year.

I am running based on my love and passion for the hobby, I want to give back to the awards ceremony that gave my husband and I so many hours of unique and fun gaming. (Lookin' at you HEX and Dread!)

So how can you vote for me? Simple really. You can vote for me by going here: and vote for Tracey Michienzi!

I also stand behind voting for Kennon Bauman, Jeramy Ware and C.W. Richardson too... and since you can vote up to 10 judges, I would appreciate it if you voted for them as well.

You can vote once. It looks at your IP address. Thanks for your support in advance!

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