Saturday began with an early-
ish start and our easy-
peasy trip to
NCSU for the
gameday kickoff. Our first game was our friend's
Spycraft game. I had played in the first two chapters, and my ass kicking Techie does not disappoint. (I killed the electricity and rerouted the calls to 911 and the electric company from the house to my phone and could answer. It was AWESOME!)

(Our awesome GM....I can not say enough about how great a game this was.)
We then left with a group and went to have some Mexican food. It was good. I am still not sure I got what I ordered, but it was yummy. Not only that, I got to catch up with friends of ours that we very rarely see.
Then, because our afternoon GM had to cancel, my (super talented) husband ran his
Repo Man game. Let me tell you, this game is fun. This game had me laughing so hard I couldn't keep the camera straight...
I played a 1980's Las Vegas Stripper (yes, you read that completely right.) who had the IQ of the gum she was chewing. I can't tell you any of the best lines or scenes, because Mr. is running this for a few more conventions/ gamedays in our future.
We all had such great chemistry as a group. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard during a game! Mr. also said that is the most fun he has ever had running a gameday/convention game. It was so much fun!
After the game, we all went over to our Hosts' house and we ate BBQ and drank and played Rockband. Below, Mr. and our friends Rel, Bubba and Mik form a super group for a song.

After it was back to our hotel, where we read and crashed to watch some SNL!
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