There aren't too many pictures today, but that doesn't mean that there was less fun.
We got up and raced to the T station, and got to the convention center shortly after 10. I grabbed the other 6 comic books and then headed on to the Exhibit Hall. The hall was going to be our focus for the day, so we could try some new games, and get demos of others.
Our first stop was to the Civ V demonstration. Mr. went and stood in line for Red Dead Redemption. I waited and chatted with the people behind me. About an hour later, I had a spot at the last demo of the day. I went to wait for Red Dead Redemption with Mr. and after an additional half hour we were in.
While we were waiting for Red Dead Redemption, we saw a happy cooling robot:

Red Dead Redemption was awesome. The authenticity was awesome, the graphics were great and the aim was better than a lot of games out there. Definitely looking forward to that.
We wandered the Exhibit hall, saw the new control-less X-Box and tried a Wii game involving Afro Ninjas. Then we stopped by the 3-d gaming booth. It was incredible! I am in awe of technology sometimes.
After that we grabbed lunch and did a little shopping and we went to a panel called "Save my Game", which was not as good as it could have been. I think it was because any game system that was not the new one was not given a serious answer that they deserved. The sad thing was is that people in the back cheered them on. Seeing as we play Pathfinder now, this may have made the aggravation of their annoying behavior more apparent.
After, we grabbed an SNES in the classic console room and we played a little Mario. Mr. had never played Mario! We both had fun and when the half hour was up, it was time for my demo of Civ V.
It was worth the wait. I am hoping to get my computer fixed enough to actually run the game. And the designers were so excited about it that you couldn't help but be excited too.
When I left the demo, I saw the empty exhibit hall and became sad. Boston, for only 3 days, had become a geek mecha. We met so many new people, connected with the people who create our favorite games, and met up with old friends. Sure it would happen next year, but that was 363 days away.
Mr. was sad to see it end too.
How did we mourn this loss? By getting nachos and burritos at the Cactus Club before taking our swag home to remember the awesomeness that was the first PAX East.
Next up for us... NC Gameday... But more about that later... I have a game to prepare!