Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dear Monkey....

Dear Monkey,

It is hard to believe that you are 7 months old! You astonish me everyday with how much you have grown and how smart you are getting.

All I have to do is sing "Good morning to you" and you wake up all smiles. And at night, once the long day is over; all you need is a snuggle, story, and the good night song to set you off to the new adventures in your sweet dreams. I love watching you. It is crazy, but every move you make fascinates me. I am still in awe that your daddy and I created something so insanely wonderful.

I don't get to spend every day with you like I want to, but sending you to school and letting Grandma watch you two days a week was one of the smartest things I have done for you. Watching you play well with others and trying to share toys is so cool at such a young age, and it makes me one proud Mommy.

Someday, when you are older, I will yearn for these days back. I always wish I had more time with you when you were a newborn. I love each and every moment and memory we make. That is why I always have a camera and I am always taking pictures. Your smile is infectious and your belly laugh is adorable... especially when I copy your movements. For some reason you find that so funny!

This weekend we are going to family movie day for daycare. It is your favorite tow truck in Cars 2. You think Mater is so funny and you lie on the floor and laugh at him when we show you a short. I don't know if we can last a movie, but the money goes to the school and your little girlfriend and your buddy are going to be there, so worst case you guys can roll around and play. We are also going to do some finger painting, which you are great at. It is supposed to snow, so we may go out to see the snow.

Life with you is amazing. It is all your daddy and I could have hoped for. We hope you know what a blessing you are, and how incredible our life is because you are in it.



Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Holidays with a 6 Month old... Or How My House Turned Into Santa's Workshop.

The holidays have come and gone and they were magical. It was fun to be a family on Christmas morning and open gifts together. (Monkey liked eating the wrapping paper.) It was fun to see him react to each new toy. He also thought it was funny when Mommy hugged her new Kitchenaid Artisan blender.

After the present opening though... the boy looked like this.

But when he woke up he was excited to play. We weren't home for too long though. We were soon off to Grandma and Grampa's house for more presents and dinner. Then off to Nina and Papa's for dessert and then presents.

As always, we did our stocking's on New Years and welcomed the new year with Grandma and Grampa in the morning and with more family in the afternoon. All in all it was fun and hopefully next year we can do more, like go to see the lights at the local shrine. (Health permitting, of course.)

Happy New Year everyone! My resolution this year is to enjoy the time I have with him this small. He is growing so fast!