The cute is strong with this one!

How cute is he???
Tonight we break out the Batman costume, and I am sure I will share the pictures here.
So from our family to yours, have a wonderful, safe and happy Halloween!
My Journey from Newlywed to pregnant to Mommy! My Life as a Mommy to an adorable little Monkey!
Above: Here is Monkey with Daddy on the Carousel.
Below: The lights just went on.
Then it was time for our Train Ride. We were so excited and ready to go! Although Monkey is not yet sure of what we are doing.
The ride was great! We went around the park and Monkey was super curious at what was going on. After the ride was lunch and then a change and then we went to the playground and tried the swings. Monkey loved his fist... not sure how he feels about the swing though.
The best part... no matter where we were, we could always find Thomas puffing around the property.
Honestly for $40 for two adults (Monkey was free!), the day out with Thomas was perfect! The park was small and we were able to do it in a half a day. (Plenty of time to nap.) The only downside... No ATM's and almost everywhere took cash. So that kind of stunk.
But those family memories... those will last a lifetime.